Bruckner, Anton

Locus iste, WAB 23

Locus iste

Charpentier Marc-Antoine

Litanies de la Vierge - H85

Litanies de la Vierge

Missa assumpta est Maria, H.11

2 Gloria, Quoniam - Cum Sancto Spiritus (extrait )

3 Credo, Confiteor - Et vitam venturu (extrait)

Faure Gabriel

Madrigal, Op.35


Franck Cesar

Psaume 150

Psaume 150

Mancini Henry

The Pink Panther Theme

The Pink Panther

Morricone Ennio

Nella Fantasia sur le theme Gabriel's Oboe du Film Mission.

Nella Fantasia

Vierne Louis

Messe Solennelle en Ut mineur, Op.16

1 Kyrie

2 Gloria in excelsis Deo

3 Sanctus

4 Benedictus

5 Agnus Dei

Youman Vincent

Tea for Two

Tea for Two

Elgard Edward - Hymn Land of Hope and Glory

Hymn Land of Hope and Glory

Elgard Edward

Hymn Land of Hope and Glory

Hymn Land of Hope and Glory

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